Source code for negmas.sao.mechanism

Implements Stacked Alternating Offers (SAO) mechanism.

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import sys
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from attr import asdict
from rich import print

from negmas import warnings
from import GBNegotiator
from negmas.helpers.strings import humanize_time

from ..common import TraceElement
from import Event
from ..helpers import TimeoutCaller, TimeoutError, exception2str
from ..mechanisms import Mechanism, MechanismStepResult
from ..outcomes.common import Outcome
from ..outcomes.outcome_ops import cast_value_types, outcome_types_are_ok
from .common import SAONMI, ResponseType, SAOResponse, SAOState
from .negotiators import SAONegotiator

    from negmas.preferences import Preferences

__all__ = ["SAOMechanism", "SAOProtocol", "TraceElement"]


[docs] class SAOMechanism( Mechanism[SAONMI, SAOState, SAOResponse, SAONegotiator | GBNegotiator] ): """ Implements Several variants of the Stacked Alternating Offers Protocol Args: outcome_space: The negotiation agenda issues: A list of issues defining the outcome-space of the negotiation outcomes: A list of outcomes defining the outcome-space of the negotiation n_steps: The maximum number of negotiaion rounds (see `time_limit` ) time_limit: The maximum wall-time allowed for the negotiation (see `n_steps`) step_time_limit: The maximum wall-time allowed for a single negotiation round. max_n_agents: The maximum number of negotiators allowed to join the negotiation. dynamic_entry: Whether it is allowed for negotiators to join the negotiation after it starts cache_outcomes: If true, the mechnism will catch `outcomes` and a discrete version (`discrete_outcomes`) that can be accessed by any negotiator through their AMI. max_cardinality: Maximum number or outcomes to use when disctetizing the outcome-space annotation: A key-value mapping to keep around. Accessible through the AMI but not used by the mechanism. end_on_no_response: End the negotiation if any negotiator returns NO_RESPONSE from `respond`/`counter` or returns REJECT_OFFER then refuses to give an offer (by returning `None` from `proposee/`counter`). enable_callbacks: Enable callbacks like on_round_start, etc. Note that on_negotiation_end is always received by the negotiators no matter what is the setting for this parameter. check_offers: If true, offers are checked to see if they are valid for the negotiation outcome-space and if not the offer is considered None which is the same as refusing to offer (NO_RESPONSE). enforce_issue_types: If True, the type of each issue is enforced depending on the value of `cast_offers` cast_offers: If true, each issue value is cast using the issue's type otherwise an incorrect type will be considered an invalid offer. See `check_offers`. Only used if `enforce_issue_types` ignore_negotiator_exceptions: just silently ignore negotiator exceptions and consider them no-responses. offering_is_accepting: Offering an outcome implies accepting it. If not, the agent who proposed an offer will be asked to respond to it after all other agents. sync_calls: If given, calls to negotiators will be synchronized. This will not enforce timeouts on single calls which means that a negotiator in an infinite loop will hog the CPU. By default calls are done using a different thread that is killed when the timeout passes. This may, but is not guaranteed to, resolve this issue at the expense of slower negotiations and harder debugging name: Name of the mecnanism **kwargs: Extra paramters passed directly to the `Mechanism` constructor Remarks: - One and only one of `outcome_space`, `issues`, `outcomes` can be given - If both `n_steps` and `time_limit` are passed, the negotiation ends when either of the limits is reached. - Negotiations may take longer than `time_limit` because negotiators are not interrupted while they are executing their `respond` or `propose` methods. Events: - negotiator_exception: Data=(negotiator, exception) raised whenever a negotiator raises an exception if ignore_negotiator_exceptions is set to True. """ def __init__( self, dynamic_entry=False, extra_callbacks=True, end_on_no_response=True, avoid_ultimatum=False, check_offers=False, enforce_issue_types=False, cast_offers=False, ignore_negotiator_exceptions=False, offering_is_accepting=True, allow_offering_just_rejected_outcome=True, name: str | None = None, max_wait: int = sys.maxsize, sync_calls: bool = False, initial_state: SAOState | None = None, one_offer_per_step: bool = False, **kwargs, ): debug = kwargs.get("debug", False) if debug: sync_calls = True if avoid_ultimatum: warnings.warn( "Support for Avoid-Ultimatum will be removed soon. We will force avoid_ultimatum to False", warnings.NegmasWarning, ) avoid_ultimatum = False super().__init__( dynamic_entry=dynamic_entry, extra_callbacks=extra_callbacks, initial_state=SAOState() if not initial_state else initial_state, name=name, **kwargs, ) self.nmi = SAONMI( **{ **asdict(self.nmi, recurse=False), **dict( end_on_no_response=end_on_no_response, one_offer_per_step=one_offer_per_step, ), } ) assert self.nmi.end_on_no_response == end_on_no_response assert self.nmi.one_offer_per_step == one_offer_per_step self._one_offer_per_step = one_offer_per_step self._current_state: SAOState # self._history: list[SAOState] = [] n_steps, time_limit = self.n_steps, self.time_limit if (n_steps is None or n_steps == float("inf")) and ( time_limit is None or time_limit == float("inf") ): warnings.warn( "You are passing no time_limit and no n_steps to an SAOMechanism. The mechanism may never finish!!", warnings.NegmasInfiniteNegotiationWarning, ) self._sync_calls = sync_calls self.params["one_offer_per_step"] = one_offer_per_step self.params["end_on_no_response"] = end_on_no_response self.params["enable_callbacks"] = extra_callbacks self.params["sync_calls"] = sync_calls self.params["check_offers"] = check_offers self.params["offering_is_accepting"] = offering_is_accepting self.params["enforce_issue_types"] = enforce_issue_types self.params["cast_offers"] = cast_offers self.params[ "allow_offering_just_rejected_outcome" ] = allow_offering_just_rejected_outcome self._n_max_waits = max_wait if max_wait is not None else float("inf") self.params["max_wait"] = self._n_max_waits self.ignore_negotiator_exceptions = ignore_negotiator_exceptions self.allow_offering_just_rejected_outcome = allow_offering_just_rejected_outcome self.end_negotiation_on_refusal_to_propose = end_on_no_response self.check_offers = check_offers self._enforce_issue_types = enforce_issue_types self._cast_offers = cast_offers self._last_checked_negotiator = -1 self._current_proposer = None self._frozen_neg_list = None self._no_responses = 0 self._offering_is_accepting = offering_is_accepting self._n_waits = 0 self._waiting_time: dict[str, float] = defaultdict(float) self._waiting_start: dict[str, float] = defaultdict(lambda: float("inf")) self._selected_first = 0 @property def state(self) -> SAOState: """Returns the current state. Override `extra_state` if you want to keep extra state """ return self._current_state
[docs] def add( # self, negotiator: SAONegotiator | GBNegotiator, *, preferences: Preferences | None = None, role: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> bool | None: from ..genius.negotiator import GeniusNegotiator added = super().add(negotiator, preferences=preferences, role=role, **kwargs) if ( added and isinstance(negotiator, GeniusNegotiator) and self.nmi.time_limit is not None and self.nmi.time_limit != float("inf") and self.nmi.n_steps is not None and self.nmi.n_steps != float("inf") ): warnings.warn( f"{} of type {negotiator.__class__.__name__} is joining " f"SAOMechanism which has a time_limit of {self.nmi.time_limit} seconds " f"and a n_steps of {self.nmi.n_steps}. This agnet will only know about the " f"time_limit and will not know about the n_steps!!!", warnings.NegmasStepAndTimeLimitWarning, ) return added
[docs] def set_sync_call(self, v: bool): self._sync_call = v
def _agent_info(self): state = self._current_state current_proposer_agent = ( self._current_proposer.owner if self._current_proposer else None ) if current_proposer_agent: current_proposer_agent = new_offerer_agents = [] for neg_id, _ in state.new_offers: neg = self._negotiator_map.get(neg_id, None) agent = neg.owner if neg else None if agent is not None: new_offerer_agents.append( else: new_offerer_agents.append(None) return current_proposer_agent, new_offerer_agents
[docs] def next_negotitor_ids(self) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of negotiator IDs in the order they are to be run in the next call to step()""" n_negotiators = len(self.negotiators) if self._frozen_neg_list is not None: ordered_indices = self._frozen_neg_list else: ordered_indices = [ (_ + self._last_checked_negotiator + 1) % n_negotiators for _ in range(n_negotiators) ] if ordered_indices and self._one_offer_per_step: ordered_indices = ordered_indices[:1] ids = self.negotiator_ids return [ids[_] for _ in ordered_indices]
def _stop_waiting(self, negotiator_id): self._waiting_time[negotiator_id] = 0.0 self._waiting_start[negotiator_id] = float("inf") self._n_waits = 0 self._frozen_neg_list = None
[docs] def __call__(self, state, action=None) -> MechanismStepResult: """ implements a round or a single step of the Stacked Alternating Offers Protocol. Args: state: Current state of the mechanism action: The action to use as a mapping from negotiator ID (key) to its response (value). If not given, the negotiator(s) is called to generate its response. """ state = self._current_state if self._frozen_neg_list is None: state.new_offers = [] negotiators: list[SAONegotiator | GBNegotiator] = self.negotiators n_negotiators = len(negotiators) # times = dict(zip([ for _ in negotiators], itertools.repeat(0.0))) times = defaultdict(float, self._waiting_time) exceptions = dict( zip([ for _ in negotiators], [list() for _ in negotiators]) ) def _safe_counter( negotiator, *args, **kwargs ) -> tuple[SAOResponse | None, bool]: assert ( not state.waiting or == state.current_proposer ), f"We are waiting with {state.current_proposer} as the last offerer but we are asking {} to offer\n{state}" if self.verbosity > 2: print( f"{}: {} called after {humanize_time(time.perf_counter() - self._start_time, show_ms=True) if self._start_time else 0}", flush=True, ) rem = self.remaining_time if rem is None: rem = float("inf") timeout = min( self.nmi.negotiator_time_limit - times[], self.nmi.step_time_limit, rem, self._hidden_time_limit - self.time, ) given_response = action.pop(, None) if action else None if timeout is None or timeout == float("inf") or self._sync_calls: __strt = time.perf_counter() try: if ( negotiator == self._current_proposer ) and self._offering_is_accepting: self._current_state.n_acceptances = 0 response = ( given_response if given_response else negotiator(*args, **kwargs) ) else: response = ( given_response if given_response else negotiator(*args, **kwargs) ) except TimeoutError: response = None try: negotiator.cancel() except Exception: pass except Exception as ex: exceptions[].append(exception2str()) if self.ignore_negotiator_exceptions: self.announce( Event( "negotiator_exception", {"negotiator": negotiator, "exception": ex}, ) ) times[] += time.perf_counter() - __strt return SAOResponse(ResponseType.END_NEGOTIATION, None), True else: raise ex times[] += time.perf_counter() - __strt else: fun = functools.partial(negotiator, *args, **kwargs) __strt = time.perf_counter() try: if ( negotiator == self._current_proposer ) and self._offering_is_accepting: state.n_acceptances = 0 response = ( given_response if given_response else, timeout=timeout) ) else: response = ( given_response if given_response else, timeout=timeout) ) except TimeoutError: response = None except Exception as ex: exceptions[].append(exception2str()) if self.ignore_negotiator_exceptions: self.announce( Event( "negotiator_exception", {"negotiator": negotiator, "exception": ex}, ) ) times[] += time.perf_counter() - __strt return SAOResponse(ResponseType.END_NEGOTIATION, None), True else: raise ex times[] += time.perf_counter() - __strt if ( self.check_offers and response is not None and response.outcome is not None ): if not self.outcome_space.is_valid(response.outcome): return SAOResponse(response.response, None), False # todo: do not use .issues here as they are not guaranteed to exist (if it is not a cartesial outcome space) if self._enforce_issue_types and hasattr(self.outcome_space, "issues"): if outcome_types_are_ok( response.outcome, getattr(self.outcome_space, "issues") ): return response, False elif self._cast_offers: return ( SAOResponse( response.response, cast_value_types( response.outcome, getattr(self.outcome_space, "issues"), ), ), False, ) return SAOResponse(response.response, None), False return response, False proposers, proposer_indices = [], [] for i, neg in enumerate(negotiators): if not neg.capabilities.get("propose", False): continue proposers.append(neg) proposer_indices.append(i) n_proposers = len(proposers) if n_proposers < 1: if not self.dynamic_entry: state.broken = True state.has_error = True state.error_details = "No proposers and no dynamic entry" return MechanismStepResult(state, times=times, exceptions=exceptions) else: return MechanismStepResult(state, times=times, exceptions=exceptions) if self._frozen_neg_list is not None: ordered_indices = self._frozen_neg_list else: ordered_indices = [ (_ + self._last_checked_negotiator + 1) % n_negotiators for _ in range(n_negotiators) ] if ordered_indices and self._one_offer_per_step: ordered_indices = ordered_indices[:1] for _, neg_indx in enumerate(ordered_indices): self._last_checked_negotiator = neg_indx neg = self.negotiators[neg_indx] strt = time.perf_counter() resp, has_exceptions = _safe_counter(neg, state=self.state) self._negotiator_times[] += time.perf_counter() - strt if has_exceptions: state.broken = True state.has_error = True state.error_details = str(exceptions[]) return MechanismStepResult(state, times=times, exceptions=exceptions) if resp is None: state.timedout = True return MechanismStepResult(state, times=times, exceptions=exceptions) if resp.response == ResponseType.WAIT: self._waiting_start[] = min(self._waiting_start[], strt) self._waiting_time[] += time.perf_counter() - strt self._last_checked_negotiator = (neg_indx - 1) % n_negotiators offered = {self._negotiator_index[_[0]] for _ in state.new_offers} did_not_offer = sorted( list(set(range(n_negotiators)).difference(offered)) ) assert neg_indx in did_not_offer indx = did_not_offer.index(neg_indx) assert ( self._frozen_neg_list is None or self._frozen_neg_list[0] == neg_indx ) self._frozen_neg_list = did_not_offer[indx:] + did_not_offer[:indx] self._n_waits += 1 else: self._stop_waiting( if resp is None or time.perf_counter() - strt > self.nmi.step_time_limit: state.timedout = True return MechanismStepResult(state, times=times, exceptions=exceptions) if self._extra_callbacks: if state.current_offer is not None: for other in self.negotiators: if other is not neg: other.on_partner_response( state=self.state,, outcome=state.current_offer, response=resp.response, ) if resp.response == ResponseType.NO_RESPONSE: continue if resp.response == ResponseType.WAIT: if self._n_waits > self._n_max_waits: self._stop_waiting( state.timedout = True state.waiting = False return MechanismStepResult( state, times=times, exceptions=exceptions ) state.waiting = True return MechanismStepResult(state, times=times, exceptions=exceptions) if resp.response == ResponseType.END_NEGOTIATION: state.broken = True return MechanismStepResult(state, times=times, exceptions=exceptions) if resp.response == ResponseType.ACCEPT_OFFER: state.n_acceptances += 1 if state.n_acceptances == n_negotiators: state.agreement = self._current_state.current_offer return MechanismStepResult( state, timedout=False, agreement=state.current_offer, times=times, exceptions=exceptions, broken=False, ) if resp.response == ResponseType.REJECT_OFFER: proposal = resp.outcome if ( not self.allow_offering_just_rejected_outcome and proposal == state.current_offer ): proposal = None if proposal is None: if ( neg.capabilities.get("propose", True) and self.end_negotiation_on_refusal_to_propose ): state.broken = True return MechanismStepResult( state, times=times, exceptions=exceptions ) state.n_acceptances = 0 else: state.n_acceptances = 1 if self._offering_is_accepting else 0 if self._extra_callbacks: for other in self.negotiators: if other is neg: continue other.on_partner_proposal(, offer=proposal, state=self.state ) state.current_offer = proposal self._current_proposer = neg state.current_proposer = state.new_offers.append((, proposal)) if self._last_checked_negotiator >= 0: state.last_negotiator = self.negotiators[ self._last_checked_negotiator ].name else: state.last_negotiator = "" ( self._current_proposer_agent, state.new_offerer_agents, ) = self._agent_info() # if action is not None: # assert ( # not action # ), f"Not all negotiator actions were used in this step: {action}" return MechanismStepResult(state, times=times, exceptions=exceptions)
@property def full_trace(self) -> list[TraceElement]: """Returns the negotiation history as a list of relative_time/step/negotiator/offer tuples""" def response(state: SAOState): if state.agreement: return "agreement" if state.timedout: return "timedout" if state.ended: return "ended" if state.has_error: return "error" return "continuing" offers = [] def get_acceptances(state: SAOState): neg = state.current_proposer n_acceptances = state.n_acceptances if self._offering_is_accepting: n_acceptances -= 1 if neg is None: indices = [] else: indx = self.negotiator_index(neg) n = self.nmi.n_negotiators if indx is None: indices = [] else: indices = [ _ if _ < n else _ % n for _ in range(indx, n_acceptances + indx) ] return [self.negotiator_ids[_] for _ in indices] for state in self._history: state: SAOState acceptances = get_acceptances(state) offers += [ TraceElement( state.time, state.relative_time, state.step, n, o, {n: ResponseType.ACCEPT_OFFER for n in acceptances}, response(state), ) for n, o in state.new_offers ] def not_equal(a, b): return any(x != y for x, y in zip(a, b)) self._history: list[SAOState] # if the agreement does not appear as the last offer in the trace, add it. # this should not happen though!! if ( self.agreement is not None and offers and not_equal(offers[-1].offer, self.agreement) ): acceptances = get_acceptances(self._history[-1]) offers.append( TraceElement( self._history[-1].time, self._history[-1].relative_time, self._history[-1].step, self._history[-1].current_proposer, self.agreement, {n: ResponseType.ACCEPT_OFFER for n in acceptances}, response(self._history[-1]), ) ) return offers @property def extended_trace(self) -> list[tuple[int, str, Outcome]]: """Returns the negotiation history as a list of step/negotiator/offer tuples""" offers = [] for state in self._history: state: SAOState offers += [(state.step, n, o) for n, o in state.new_offers] def not_equal(a, b): return any(x != y for x, y in zip(a, b)) self._history: list[SAOState] # # if the agreement does not appear as the last offer in the trace, add it. # this should not happen though!! if ( self.agreement is not None and offers and not_equal(offers[-1][-1], self.agreement) ): offers.append( ( self._history[-1].step, self._history[-1].current_proposer, self.agreement, ) ) return offers @property def trace(self) -> list[tuple[str, Outcome]]: """Returns the negotiation history as a list of negotiator/offer tuples""" offers = [] for state in self._history: offers += [(n, o) for n, o in state.new_offers] def not_equal(a, b): if isinstance(a, dict): a = a.values() if isinstance(b, dict): b = b.values() return any(x != y for x, y in zip(a, b)) if ( self.agreement is not None and offers and not_equal(offers[-1][-1], self.agreement) ): offers.append((self._history[-1].current_proposer, self.agreement)) return offers
[docs] def negotiator_offers(self, negotiator_id: str) -> list[Outcome]: """Returns the offers given by a negotiator (in order)""" return [o for n, o in self.trace if n == negotiator_id]
[docs] def negotiator_full_trace( self, negotiator_id: str ) -> list[tuple[float, float, int, Outcome, str]]: """Returns the (time/relative-time/step/outcome/response) given by a negotiator (in order)""" return [ (t, rt, s, o, a) for t, rt, s, n, o, _, a in self.full_trace if n == negotiator_id ]
@property def offers(self) -> list[Outcome]: """Returns the negotiation history as a list of offers""" return [o for _, o in self.trace] @property def _step(self): """ A private property used by the checkpoint system """ return self._current_state.step
[docs] def plot( self, plotting_negotiators: tuple[int, int] | tuple[str, str] = (0, 1), save_fig: bool = False, path: str | None = None, fig_name: str | None = None, ignore_none_offers: bool = True, with_lines: bool = True, show_agreement: bool = False, show_pareto_distance: bool = True, show_nash_distance: bool = True, show_kalai_distance: bool = True, show_max_welfare_distance: bool = True, show_max_relative_welfare_distance: bool = False, show_end_reason: bool = True, show_last_negotiator: bool = True, show_annotations: bool = False, show_reserved: bool = True, show_total_time=True, show_relative_time=True, show_n_steps=True, colors: list | None = None, markers: list[str] | None = None, colormap: str = DEFAULT_COLORMAP, ylimits: tuple[float, float] | None = None, common_legend: bool = True, xdim: str = "relative_time", only2d: bool = False, no2d: bool = False, fast: bool = False, simple_offers_view: bool = False, mark_offers_view: bool = True, mark_pareto_points: bool = True, mark_all_outcomes: bool = True, mark_nash_points: bool = True, mark_kalai_points: bool = True, mark_max_welfare_points: bool = True, **kwargs, ): from negmas.plots.util import plot_mechanism_run extra_annotation = ( f"Last: {self._current_state.last_negotiator}" if show_last_negotiator else "" ) return plot_mechanism_run( mechanism=self, negotiators=plotting_negotiators, save_fig=save_fig, path=path, fig_name=fig_name, ignore_none_offers=ignore_none_offers, with_lines=with_lines, only2d=only2d, show_agreement=show_agreement, show_pareto_distance=show_pareto_distance, show_nash_distance=show_nash_distance, show_kalai_distance=show_kalai_distance, show_max_welfare_distance=show_max_welfare_distance, show_max_relative_welfare_distance=show_max_relative_welfare_distance, show_end_reason=show_end_reason, show_annotations=show_annotations, show_reserved=show_reserved, colors=colors, markers=markers, colormap=colormap, ylimits=ylimits, common_legend=common_legend, extra_annotation=extra_annotation, xdim=xdim, colorizer=lambda _: 1.0, show_total_time=show_total_time, show_relative_time=show_relative_time, show_n_steps=show_n_steps, fast=fast, no2d=no2d, simple_offers_view=simple_offers_view, mark_offers_view=mark_offers_view, mark_pareto_points=mark_pareto_points, mark_all_outcomes=mark_all_outcomes, mark_nash_points=mark_nash_points, mark_kalai_points=mark_kalai_points, mark_max_welfare_points=mark_max_welfare_points, **kwargs, )
SAOProtocol = SAOMechanism """An alias for `SAOMechanism` object"""