Source code for negmas.sao.components.models.ufun

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from attrs import define, field

from negmas.preferences import RankOnlyUtilityFunction
from negmas.preferences.base_ufun import BaseUtilityFunction
from negmas.preferences.mixins import StationaryMixin

from ..base import GBComponent

    from negmas import PreferencesChange, Value
    from negmas.outcomes import Outcome

__all__ = [

SENTINAL = object()

[docs] class UFunModel(GBComponent, BaseUtilityFunction): """ A `SAOComponent` that can model the opponent's utility function. Classes implementing this ufun-model, must implement the abstract `eval()` method to return the utility value of an outcome. They can use any callbacks available to `SAOComponent` to update the model. """
[docs] @define class ZeroSumModel(StationaryMixin, UFunModel): """ Assumes a zero-sum negotiation (i.e. $u_o$ = $-u_s$ ) Remarks: - Because some negotiators do not work well with negative ufun values, we return (max - u(w)) instead of (- u(w)) """ above_reserve: bool = True rank_only: bool = False _effective_ufun: BaseUtilityFunction = field(init=False, default=SENTINAL)
[docs] def on_preferences_changed(self, changes: list[PreferencesChange]): if not self.negotiator or not self.negotiator.ufun: raise ValueError("Negotiator or ufun are not known") self._effective_ufun = ( self.negotiator.ufun if not self.rank_only else RankOnlyUtilityFunction(self.negotiator.ufun) )
[docs] def eval(self, offer: Outcome) -> Value: uo = self._effective_ufun.eval_normalized(offer, self.above_reserve) * -1 + 1.0 mn, mx = self._effective_ufun.minmax(above_reserve=False) return uo * (mx - mn) + mn
[docs] def eval_normalized( self, offer: Outcome | None, above_reserve: bool = True, expected_limits: bool = True, ) -> Value: if offer is None: return 0.0 return ( self._effective_ufun.eval_normalized(offer, above_reserve, expected_limits) * -1 + 1.0 )
[docs] class FrequencyUFunModel(UFunModel): """ A `PartnerUfunModel` that uses a simple frequency-based model of the opponent offers. """
[docs] def eval(self, offer: Outcome) -> Value: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class FrequencyLinearUFunModel(UFunModel): """ A `PartnerUfunModel` that uses a simple frequency-based model of the opponent offers assuming the ufun is `LinearAdditiveUtilityFunction` . """
[docs] def eval(self, offer: Outcome) -> Value: raise NotImplementedError()