Command Line Scripts

When installing NegMAS through the pip command, you get one command line tool that can be used to aid your development and testing. This tool provides a unified interface to all negmas commands.

The set of supported commands are:




Downloads the genius bridge and updates your settings.


Downloads jnegmas and updates your settings


Run a Genius Bridge. This bridge allows you to use GeniusNegotiator agents. Please notice that this command by-default runs in the foreground preventing further input to the terminal.


Start the bridge to JNegMAS (to use Java agents in worlds)


Runs a tournament


Prints NegMAS version

The commands genius-steup and jnegmas-setup have no parameters and will download genius and jnegmas (respectively) for later use by genius and jnegmas commands.

Genius Bridge (negmas genius)

The command genius can be used to start a JVM running the Genius platform allowing GeniusNegotiator objects to interact with existing GENIUS agents (Thanks for Tim Baarslag Lead Developer of GENIUS for allowing us to ship it within NegMAS).

You can get help on this tool by running:

$ negmas genius --help

This tool supports the following optional arguments:



-p/–path TEXT

Path to genius-8.0.4.jar with embedded NegLoader [OPTIONAL]

-r/–port INTEGER

Port to run the NegLoader on. Pass 0 for the default value [OPTIONAL]


Force trial even if an earlier instance exists [OPTIONAL]


Show help message and exit.

JNegMAS bridge (negmas jnegmas)

Runs a bridge to jnegmas (notice that negmas jnegmas-setup must have been run at least once before that). It has the following parameters



-p, –path TEXT

Path to jnegmas*.jar with. Use “auto” to read the path from ~/negmas/config.json. Config key is jnegmas_jar You can download the latest version of this jar from: [default: auto]

-r, –port INTEGER

Port to run the jnegmas on. Pass 0 for the default value [default: 0]

–config FILE

Read configuration from FILE.

Tournament Command (negmas tournament)

The Tournament command (tournament) allows you to run a tournament between different agents in some world and compare their relative performance. The tool is general enough to support several world types.

You can get help on this tool by running:

$ negmas tournament --help

The tournament command has a set of sub-commands for creating, running, and combining tournament results as follows:




Finds winners of an arbitrary set of tournaments


Creates a tournament


Runs/continues a tournament


Finds winners of a tournament or a set of tournaments sharing

Creating a tournament

These are the optional arguments of this tool:



-n, –name TEXT

The name of the tournament. The special value “random” will result in a random name [default: random]

-s, –steps INTEGER

Number of steps. If passed then –steps-min and –steps-max are ignored

–steps-min INTEGER

Minimum number of steps (only used if –steps was not passed [default: 50]

–steps-max INTEGER

Maximum number of steps (only used if –steps was not passed [default: 100]

-t, –timeout INTEGER

Timeout the whole tournament after the given number of seconds (0 for infinite) [default: 0]

–configs INTEGER

Number of unique configurations to generate. [default: 5]


Number of runs for each configuration [default: 2]

–max-runs INTEGER

Maximum total number of runs. Zero or negative numbers mean no limit [default: -1]

–agents INTEGER

Number of agents per competitor (not used for anac2019std in which this is preset to 1). [default: 3]

–factories INTEGER

Minimum numbers of factories to have per level. [default: 5]

–competitors TEXT

A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition.

–jcompetitors, –java-competitors TEXT

A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition.

–non-competitors TEXT

A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to exist in the worlds as non- competitors (their scores will not be calculated).

-l, –log DIRECTORY

Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it) [default: ~/negmas/logs/tournaments]

–world-config FILE

A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.

–verbosity INTEGER

verbosity level (from 0 == silent to 1 == world progress) [default: 1]

–reveal-names / –hidden-names

Reveal agent names (should be used only for debugging) [default: True]

–log-ufuns / –no-ufun-logs

Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if –debug is given [default: False]

–log-negs / –no-neg-logs

Log all negotiations. Only effective if –debug is given [default: False]

–compact / –debug

If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint whichincludes reducing logs dramatically. [default: True]

–raise-exceptions / –ignore-exceptions

Whether to ignore agent exceptions [default: True]

–path TEXT

A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows

–java-interop-class TEXT

The full name of a class that is used to represent Java agents to the python envirnment. It is only used if jcompetitors was passed

–config-generator TEXT

The full path to a configuration generator function that is used to generate all configs for the tournament. MUST be specified

–world-generator TEXT

The full path to a world generator function that is used to generate all worlds (given the assigned configs for the tournament. MUST be specified

–assigner TEXT

The full path to an assigner function that assigns competitors to different configurations

–scorer TEXT

The full path to a scoring function


Number of competitors to run at every world simulation. It must either be left at default or be a number > 1 and < the number of competitors passed using –competitors

–config FILE

Read configuration from FILE.

Running a tournament

After creating a tournament using the tournament create command, it can be run using the tournament run command. The parameters for this command are:



-n, –name TEXT

The name of the tournament. When invoked after create, there is no need to pass it

-l, –log DIRECTORY

Default location to save logs [default: ~/negmas/logs/tournaments]

–verbosity INTEGER

verbosity level (from 0 == silent to 1 == world progress) [default: 1]

–parallel / –serial

Run a parallel/serial tournament on a single machine [default: True]

–distributed / –single-machine

Run a distributed tournament using dask [default: False]

–ip TEXT

The IP address for a dask scheduler to run the distributed tournament. Effective only if –distributed [default:]


The IP port number a dask scheduler to run the distributed tournament. Effective only if –distributed [default: 8786]

–compact / –debug

If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint whichincludes reducing logs dramatically. [default: True]

–path TEXT

A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows

–metric TEXT

The statistical metric used for choosing the winners. Possibilities are mean, median, std, var, sum [default: mean]

–config FILE

Read configuration from FILE.

Upon completion, a complete log and several statistics are saved in a new folder under the log folder location specified by the --log argument (default is negmas/logs/tournaments under the HOME directory). To avoid over-writing earlier results, a new folder will be created for each run named by the current date and time. The folder will contain the following files:

File/Folder Name





Contains one json file for each world run tried during the tournament. You can re-run this world using run_world function in the tournament module.



The parameters used to create this tournament



The base configurations used in the tournament (without agent/factory assignments.



The configurations used after assigning factories to managers



Scores of every agent in every world



Scores of every agent type averaged over all runs



Winner types and their average scores



Results of a factorial TTEST comparing the performance of all agent types

Other than these files, a folder with the same number as the corresponding config file in the configs folder, keeps full statistics/log of every world but only if –debug is specified (see the World Runner section for the contents of this folder.

Combining tournament results

Can be used to combine the results of multiple tournaments runs using tournament combine. The parameters of this command are:



-d, –dest DIRECTORY

The location to save the results

–metric TEXT

The statistical metric used for choosing the winners. Possibilities are mean, median, std, var, sum [default: median]

–config FILE

Read configuration from FILE.

Finding the winners of a tournament

To report the winners of a tournament, you can use tournament winners . The parameters of this command are:



-n, –name TEXT

The name of the tournament. When invoked after create, there is no need to pass it

-l, –log DIRECTORY

Default location to save logs [default: ~/negmas/logs/tournaments]

–recursive / –no-recursive

Whether to recursively look for tournament results. –name should not be given if –recursive [default: True]

–metric TEXT

The statistical metric used for choosing the winners. Possibilities are mean, median, std, var, sum [default: median]

–config FILE

Read configuration from FILE.