negmas.common Module

Common data-structures and classes used by all other modules.

This module does not import anything from the library except during type checking


NegotiatorInfo(name, id, type)

Keeps information about a negotiator.

NegotiatorMechanismInterface(id, n_outcomes, ...)

All information of a negotiation visible to negotiators.

MechanismState([running, waiting, started, ...])

Encapsulates the mechanism state at any point

PreferencesChange([type, data])

PreferencesChangeType(value[, names, ...])

The type of change in preferences.


A depricated alias for NegotiatorMechanismInterface

TraceElement(time, relative_time, step, ...)

An element of the trace returned by full_trace representing the history of the negotiation


Defines a negotiation action

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of negmas.common.NegotiatorInfo, negmas.common.NegotiatorMechanismInterface, negmas.common.MechanismState, negmas.common.PreferencesChange, negmas.common.PreferencesChangeType, negmas.common.NegotiatorMechanismInterface, negmas.common.TraceElement, negmas.common.MechanismAction